01 April 2008

Philadelphia Here We come!

Here is a picture of our HOUSE TO BE, come June. We are thrilled it is not a "fixer-upper" even though it is Two hundred and nine years old! Pretty good updates huh? We are taking suggestions for a new color scheme on the exterior paint.

I love that this house has 4 bedrooms and a lot of basement storage. The Lord really prepared it for us. It was on the market all last year, and the owners just dropped the price into our price range the week we were in Philly house hunting. The neighborhood is amazingly organized and community centered. We are looking forward to joining in the annual neighborhood traditions: Christmas time Luminaries, Fall Block Party with pony rides and hay rides, Summer 4th of July parade for kids, Spring Yard Sale and Neighborhood Playgroups. I feel right about where we will be raising our kids.


Anonymous said...
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Hagberg Fam said...

What a cool house! Good luck with your move!

Melissa said...

Your home has so much character. It reminds me of our home in SLC. I was imagining all of your beautiful furniture in those old rooms. It will be gorgeous when you're done putting the Daugherty touch on everything. I love the huge yard and the neighborhood sounds perfect. You'll be a great addition. Is there only one bathroom? My recommendation for exterior paint is white with black shutters. I'm glad I have a guest room waiting. You're right, you definately found the right one!

Real said...

Looks beautiful! So what does the greater neighborhood look like? What part of Philadelphia is it in? (Cause it looks like it's still out in the country.) How close is it to everything?

Camilla Millar said...

Prairie--it is darling!! House colors. . . .hmmm, that is hard because the house is stucko, right? Let me think about it and I will get back to you.

We also have a blog:

John-E-Boi said...

In honor of Jacksonville you should paint your new house Camouflage!

Camilla Millar said...

I was just going to browse online for colors for you and I found this on Behr's website:

I guess you can upload photos of your place and try out different colors.
We repainted our house last summer (it is that aluminum siding, though, yours looks like stucco?) We used Behr's paint that is a paint and primer in one. It worked really well for us. P.S. if you do it yourself, rent a paintsprayer.

Also the first comment up there from gardagami looks like one I got that I'm pretty sure sent a virus to my computer--so DON'T click on that link (I think you can even erase comments you don't like)!

The Fuhrmann's said...

Just saw pictures of your house! It's beautiful! Congrats on the position in Philly.

We are on the blogspot too! Ours is www.bigfootfuhrmanns.blogspot.com. And Dana's is linked in ours.

Congrats, once again!

Holly said...

Hey Girl! I've been thinking of you a lot. Charming home in PA, congrats. I'm sure it'll be perfect w/ your touch. Let's chat! Miss ya.