20 April 2008

Sharks Teeth

Jolene Perkins, shark tooth expert extraordinaire, treated us to a delightful day at the beach to her special shark tooth finding location this weekend. Bailey and Calvin were ecstatic to find over 20 shark teeth each!


Nash said...

AHHHHH! You didn't tell me you had a blog. I just followed a comment you left. NOw I can keep up with you better. I have to get back and read up.

Happy said...

I am so impressed with you and all of your new posts! And your background looks great!!!

Rebecca said...

Wow, what an exciting adventure! I bet your kids had a blast. There's nothing like a great day at the beach. We went to a creepy creek and found some teeth when we first got here. Not nearly as cool as the beach.

Jessie Eyre said...

I'm just amazed (and actually kind of delighted) to see how much Bailey has grown up in the past year. Its almost shocking!

What a GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS girl. Got it from her mama!

Love ya, miss ya, think of you often...

Jason and Charlotte said...

Your blog has gotten a facelift, I love it!! I am now officially hooked on blogging....keep the pictures coming....I love your family....don't move!!!!!

Kerri said...

I love seeing the kids. It looks like Florida has been fun. I'm so glad. Bailey looks so sweet in her white dress.

Brandon said...

the blog looks great!

Happy said...

Bailey looks so beautiful! What a great idea to take baptism pictures like that!
And it was fun to run into you at the beach! Did you know Bailey gave us a shark's tooth? What a sweet girl!
YOU are a great mom and a wonderful friend. I sure am going to miss you!!!

Chaci said...

What fun experiences you're having...we can't wait for you guys to come to Philly for even more fun! (Yes, we realize we probably can't compete with being so close to the beach, but really, who needs so much warmth and sunshine all the time anyway?!)

Chaci said...

Hey, lets see the fun projects you have done on your house in phili, dont leave us hang'n

Holly said...

I know it takes awhile to unpack and all but where are you? We're anxious to see your new place and hear of your new adventures. We miss hometeaching you guys! Tell the kiddies to be sure to keep you all in line. :) Miss ya!